Slow performance after server restructuring


Hi guys.

I have a performance issue which some of you may be able to help me with.

One of our customer made some restructuring on their servers and databases. After the weekend when the restructuring happened, we are experiencing really slow performance when logged in to the page(Both episerver login and logged in as a regular user). I have used DotTrace to try to get some more information about the issue and took two snapshots. One in logged in mode and one as a regular browsing user(logged out).

Microsoft.Samples.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Pipe.PipeNative.ReadFile(Int32, Byte[0..], UInt32, Byte[0..], UInt32)                             4800ms(Not logged in)

Microsoft.Samples.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Pipe.PipeNative.ReadFile(Int32, Byte[0..], UInt32, Byte[0..], UInt32)                             38524ms(Logged in)

This pipeNative.readfile is the only thing which really stands out when running dotTrace, and as you see, it takes about 7 times as long time as when not logged in. Does anyone know what it does or has any other idea why I get the slow performance?

The Server team assures me that there should be no problem with the servers after the structuring.

Thanks in advance


Mar 28, 2011 8:20
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