No styles on CMS login page


Hello everybody!

I'm new to EpiServer and I'm stuck with some minor problem.

I have started developing a site using EpiServer CMS5 R2. First I had to change the web.config 'cause I use IIS6 and the project was created in PC with IIS7. After solving all the errors I got, i managed to get to the CMS  login page and get authenticated, but the page had no styles at all. Then it redirected me to admin/setup.aspx and then i get this error

[Missing text #heading for en] 

[Missing text /admin/setup/redirectwarning for en][Missing text /admin/setup/utilsetupempty for en]


So, it looks like i definitely messed up something related to Epi configuration on the web.config, but I have no idea what it was.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!



May 17, 2011 9:15

The missing text errors is because you are missing language files in the lang folder.

When you set up your site, did you use an existing EPiServer site? I would recommend using EPiServer deployment centre, set up an emptyEPiServer site (without database). THis will also give you a web.config file you can compare your self-converted version with :)  By using the deployment center, you will get all the correct settings in IIS etc. Just set the home directory property on the site to your site.

May 19, 2011 7:00


Actually the lang folder was the key to the language related issues.
Yes, I used EPiServer deployment centre to create a new EpiServer site, compare config files, etc. Still there was some config issues also on IIS for the site but after a lot of work and search, it's fixed.
Thanks for your help!


May 23, 2011 11:02
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