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Save & View not showing changes


I have an issue where certain pages within the CMS are not showing the latest changes made when hitting Save & View without publishing.

I am using standard EPiServer property controls, I have turned off caching, overidden the SetCachePolicy to explicitly set the cache headers to no-cache with an expiry date in the past. I have examined the cache headers within the http header when viewing the page changes and everything is set as expected.

A number of the pages are using the same template, however on certain pages I am able to see changes after saving on one page but not the other, regardless of what I do, I cannot view the changes until the page is published.

I'm at a dead end trying to resolve this, if anyone can shed any light on this it would be much appreciated,

Thanks in advance,


Jun 27, 2011 15:01

have you tried to output DateTime.Now, and CurrentPage.PageLink

could maybe be your web browser caching?

Jun 27, 2011 16:09

I have seen this once before. Then it was problem with the page template, it fetched the current version of the page, i.e. the published version. So the saved version never showed up in preview mode.

Jun 27, 2011 16:12

Thanks for the suggestion, I have turned off all caching, it's definately not caching on the client. From further investigation it looks like it could be a problem with the SimpleAddressToInternal method used during rewriting, when attempting to find the internal address by using the external address mapping, the workID is dropped from the querystring parameter, I'm just working out exactly where it's going wrong.

Jun 27, 2011 17:25

The problem is indeed with the SimpleAddressToInternal, I am overriding this method with one minor change, dropping the trailing slash from the url, as this does not match the simple address correctly when using PageQuickSearchDB().FindByExternalUrl and the path has a trailing slash.

When the simple address to internal address mapping is found it is not carrying across the work id with the page id querystring parameter, hence not returning the correct version of the page.

Jun 27, 2011 18:13

Hi Steven!

Which version of CMS are you using?

Jun 28, 2011 7:23

I'm using CMS 5 R2

Jun 28, 2011 13:04


Pretty sure that we fixed this bug for the CMS 6 R2 version.

Linus Ekström

Jun 29, 2011 7:28
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