Hi, I am facing a problem with PageTree contol. We are using this control to display menus for Sitemap. Our problem is that we need data from two different pages(they are under different folders in EpiServer). But as per my knowledge PageLink property of PageTree can have only one PageReference as source. Is it possible to have two PageReference as a source or PageDataCollection as a source for PageTree.
PageTree.PageLink = (PageReference)CurrentPage
Instead i want data from (PageReference)CurrentPage + (PageReference)SharedPage.
Or i can use PageDataCollection as datasource for PageTree. Is PageTree.DataSource = PageDataCollection possible.
Hi, I am facing a problem with PageTree contol. We are using this control to display menus for Sitemap. Our problem is that we need data from two different pages(they are under different folders in EpiServer). But as per my knowledge PageLink property of PageTree can have only one PageReference as source. Is it possible to have two PageReference as a source or PageDataCollection as a source for PageTree.
PageTree.PageLink = (PageReference)CurrentPage
Instead i want data from (PageReference)CurrentPage + (PageReference)SharedPage.
Or i can use PageDataCollection as datasource for PageTree. Is PageTree.DataSource = PageDataCollection possible.
Please help, this is holding my work.
Thanks a lot