EPiServer throwing exceptions



I've been struggling with this problem for the whole day and do not have any idea why it might be happening. I tried searching for the solution but without any success.

Basically the page is throwing an exception saying "A site with siteId is already registered. Call the Reset method first." It woudl suggest that there is a page with the same siteId, but I am pretty sure this is not the case. I simply changed the value of the siteId in web.config to something else but it did not helped.

When I did it I have observed another curious case: the site reported that "This slave site failed when validating master license information". After refreshing I get another exception: "ClassFactory not initialized" and finally the site get back to thorowing exception about duplicated siteId. This scenario happens every time the application is restarted (iisreset, configuration change). One exception about validating master license, one about class factory and then exceptions about duplicated siteid.

My setup is following: I have two servers one which is running correctly uses master license. The one failing uses slave license. No code changed were performed befor the issue first occurred.

The only change was emptying system temp folder (C:|windows\temp) because it has grown in size significantly.

I think the page is loading slower than it normally would load but now it is hard to say it for sure.

If you could point me in the right direction I will be very grateful.

Thanks in advance


Apr 23, 2013 10:12
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