Upgrade issues from 5.2?


What upgrade issues have people had when upgrading 5.2 sites to 6?

Also anyone got any ideas on the likely release date of 6?

Dec 08, 2009 16:58


I can only comment on the release date. We have not a fixed date and can only communicate a preliminary release date which is Q1 2010. The final release is likely to be finished for release to the market in March 2010.

Dec 23, 2009 13:05


During testing of EPiServer CMS 6 RC1 we upgraded several sites, Per Bjurström made a Blog post about what we found during this process. http://world.episerver.com/Blogs/Per-Bjurstrom/Archive/2009/12/Upgrading-to-CMS-6-RC1/

If you have any problems upgrading please post them so that we can help you ASAP.

Edited, Dec 27, 2009 23:57
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