Create thumbnail while uploading image



I want to create a thumbnail while uploading an image. 
How can this be done? Is there an event that I can use? 


// Nicke

Oct 24, 2010 12:06

There is an event, but I'm a much bigger fan of doing this on-request, and storing (caching) the result.  We insert the image on the page with a URL to a thumbnail script, and pass the desired width as a querystring arg.  Like this:


Then, we resize the image, cache the result (the key is an MD5 hash of the querystring arguments), and return the image.  Future requests access the same image.

Edited, Oct 24, 2010 20:36

Thanx, but what event is it? 

Nov 01, 2010 22:49

We used these two:


In Visual Studio, type...


...and Intellisense will give you a bunch of them.  There are about a dozen.

Nov 01, 2010 22:55

A bit late, but you should handle:

In additon to those Deane mentions above.

Nov 03, 2010 10:43
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