Long string showing with WYSIWIG


I have recently upgraded an episerver 5 site to version 6 and just noticed some strange behaviour. All long string properties show with the wysiwig editor.

I dont get this behaviour on newly created sites, what could be causing this, and how do i disable it?


Nov 22, 2010 12:38

Also, when i go to admin > pagetypes > edit custom property types

long sting > 255 has settings for episerver cms 5 editor

as does the xhtml string.

How do I remove the cms 5 editor from long string and change the xhtml to tinymce?


Nov 22, 2010 13:11

Found the solution. (as detailed in http://world.episerver.com/Blogs/Per-Bjurstrom/Archive/2009/12/Upgrading-to-CMS-6-RC1/ )

An upgraded site will use the old editor for compatibility reasons, if you want the new editor just search for “LegacyPropertyXhtmlStringControl” in web.config and remove those lines.

Nov 22, 2010 13:26
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