I am very interested in following this up with you as we previously tried to use this infrastructure but, despite EpiServer assistance, to no avail.
We are up against a deadline at the moment, but would like to discuss your architecture in the New Year if that's ok with you?
I'm setting up an enterprise solution with the Episerver edit-interface on a server behind firewalls and two front-end servers without the Admin interface.
Since all Episerver dlls are in the bin folder of the published project, our solution is to not install EpiServer at all on the front servers, only on the edit-interface (behind firewall) server. This will create a very strong and secure solution since trying to reach EpiServer edit-interface from outside wont work at all even if the Path to the EpiServer admin is in the episerver.config file.
I have set it up and it works fine! Only thing I had to do was to register some dlls in the GAC of the front end servers.
My question: Is this a good solution, can anywone see any problems with this solution? Has anyone done this before? Is this the normal solution for a larger scale solution?