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Error while adding PageStoreService.axms to webreference


Dear All,

I want to use the PageStoreService.asmx webservice of the episerver. When i directly type the url on the browser, it does give me the asmx page after asking for login credentials.

When i am trying to add the web reference, I provide login credential and can see the all the methods exposed  webservice but the Add reference button does not get enable and the error i got is "The HTML does not containt the discovery file information". Please if somebody can guide me on this. Many thanks.


Dec 07, 2010 13:33

I think you cannot add this webservice as a web reference. you need to use EPiServer dll to call function of this webservice like:

EPiServer.WebServices.PageStoreService pageContent = new EPiServer.WebServices.PageStoreService();

Read this for reference:


Nov 23, 2011 17:59
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