How does your web site languges setup look (admin mode -> Config - Manage Web Site Languages)? Which version of CMS are you using?
Curious about this myself.. Have the same behavior on a freshly installed demo site running EPiServer CMS 6.
This seems to be a bug and I have filed a bug report for this:
A work around until a fix has been released is to add the following code to the /ui/admin/editpagetypedfield.aspx file:
<script runat="server">
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
PageTypeOnly.Visible = true;
This will enable some more fields than just the language specific field but I tried it and it seems to work.
Linus Ekström
EPiServer Development Team
I tried the workaround that was suggested in the post above and it works great. But I saw that this solution is from June and I was wondering if there is a hotfix or some other fix for this bug so that I don't have to do this again of I update CMS 6?
The next release should have the fix included so you won't have to manually make the fix again :)
Olivia try the same approach Jon D Jones used in his blog post to replace one of the built in login images:
Redirect the request to editpagetypefield.aspx to an aspx in your project.
How do i use globalization with dynamic properties?
In the settings for a dynamic property i have the following options:
Type, Name, Presenation control, Display in Edit Mode, Field Name, Help Text, Tab
"Unique value per language" is missing.
I installed the Demo Site and globalization seems to work there. However if I create a new property i get the same problem.