MenuItem Attribute with MVC


I'm trying to set up a global navigation using the MenuSection and MenuItem attributes using the MVC method (following the instructions from Dung Le's post). The MenuSection and MenuItems show up show just fine, but when I click on a MenuItem, it takes me to a page that says "Incorrect Link".

I have set up an MVC project for the navigtaion module alongside a Public Templates project (sample code from my Controller is below).

What else am I missing? I'm guessing that I need to register my route somewhere. Thanks in advance!


[MenuSection("/admin/manager/", Text = "Manager")]
    public class ManagerController : Controller
        [MenuItem("/admin/manager/index/", Text = "Dashboard", Url="~/admin/manager/index/")]
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();


Jul 13, 2010 5:21
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