Live Writer and protected Blog pages

If I deny "Everyone" access to my site, the Live Writer integration does not work.
It seems like Live Writer tries to access the manifest and rsd files without using the specified credentials - manifest and rsd is part of the head html in the blog start page.
<link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" href="" title="edit uri" />
<link rel="wlwmanifest" type="application/wlwmanifest+xml" href="" title="windows livewriter manifest" />
If I give "Everyone" access, Live Writer is able to connect to the Blog.
Any ideas to solve this issue?
My site runs on EPiServer CMS 6 using the Blog integration from the demo template pacakge.
Jul 01, 2010 18:09

I think that problem is not that those urls cannot be fetched by wl. I think that wl cannot get the blog page at all since wl does not support form authentication. check error log and see what wl says. error log can be found at:

To check the error log of Windows Live Writer, go to the “Help” then “About Windows Live Writer” menu on Windows Live Writer itself. Look at the “Show Log File” link on that window, click over there to locate the error log and then open that to see the list of errors. Most recent error will appear at the bottom of that log file.

Jul 05, 2010 11:15

Checked the log file, and no errors are logged. Here is the log information:

WindowsLiveWriter,1.6824,None,00002,06-Jul-2010 10:37:13.296,"Starting Windows Live Writer 14.0.8117.416",""
WindowsLiveWriter,1.6824,None,00003,06-Jul-2010 10:37:13.296,".NET version: 2.0.50727.4927",""
WindowsLiveWriter,1.6824,None,00004,06-Jul-2010 10:37:14.049,"499 499",
WindowsLiveWriter,1.6824,None,00002,06-Jul-2010 10:37:13.296,"Starting Windows Live Writer 14.0.8117.416",""
WindowsLiveWriter,1.6824,None,00003,06-Jul-2010 10:37:13.296,".NET version: 2.0.50727.4927",""
WindowsLiveWriter,1.6824,None,00004,06-Jul-2010 10:37:14.049,"499 499",
Jul 06, 2010 10:44
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