Problem solved! It is possible to use the search engine sitemaps in CMS6, and its not that hard to get it to work either. My problem was that I used the source code from the previous project, which I think had been modified a bit (for CMS5). When downloading the source code from and compiled it in my new CMS6 project it worked almost out of the box. I only had to remove some read only-attributes on a few config files.
The module has been upgraded to CMS 6 (including some bugfixes), see:
We are building a CMS6 portal for a customer, and one of the requirements is that we need a search engine site map. We have implemented Search engine sitemaps ( in a former project, but this doesn't support CMS6 yet.
I thought I'd give it a shot and downloaded the source code and compiled it in CMS6. It did compile, but I was not able to get it to work. Have anyone been able to get the search engine sitemaps-module to work with CMS6? I'm interested to know if its possible, and whats required to get it to work.