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Yes it sounds like a config issue. On the destination site there should be a WCF service endpoint for contract EPiServer.Events.ServiceModel.IEventReplication. In the configuration for the mirroring service related to the destination site (typically located in a folder MirroringService in the physical root for the site) there should be a corresponding WCF client endpoint.
Thanks for your reply Johan!
So the client endpoint should be in the /mirroringService/web.config on the source site, and the service endpoint should be in /mirroringService/web.config on the destination server?
A good example to setup mirroring 2 is given below just in case if you missed anything while setting it up.
No the client endpoint should be in the /mirroringService/web.config on the destination side.
The "flow" during mirroring is that the source site initiates the mirroring on the mirroring source service which then mirrors the data to the mirroring service on the destination server. That service then sends cache notifications to the destination site for the items that has been changed.
How did you install your mirrroring service? The installer should have set up the endpoints for you when you did the installation.
Thanks I'll look into this.
The mirroring was installed with the deployment center and the mirror service works fine, except for the cache-problem with new pages.
Hi all!
A problem regarding mirroring: new page created on source server is mirrored to destination server, but is not visible. Cache problem? When I restart the destination website the new page is visible.
Pages updated on source server is mirrored to destination server and the changes are visible on destinationserver shortly after the transfer.
Is this a config-issue?