Change cookie expiration setting


In our old EPiServer 4 site, when we selected "Automatic logon" we got a cookie that expired after 10 years.

Now in our new EPiServer 6-site the cookie expires after only 2 hours.
It is very annoying to have to logon several times a day.

Does anyone know if there is a way I can change the settings for the expiration time?

Mar 09, 2011 16:28

Hi Jenny,

I'm unsure if EPi sets this value anywhere as they changed over to use regular ASP.Net forms login in CMS5. But this is a good thing! 

Used my googling skills and found this blog by Scott Guthrie. So in short. You should be able to set this in the authentication tag in your web.config by adding the <forms timeout="<yourValueHere>"/>

Mar 09, 2011 17:14
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