Custom workflows and .NET 4




I need to create some custom workflows. Is it possible to write them in .NET 4 and still integrate them into EPiServer 6?

Do I need to write the workflows in .NET 3.5?

Are there any good sources of information on getting started with this, especially on how to link custom workflows to the EPiServer interface. For example, the button to "Start Workflow" etc



Mar 10, 2011 11:55

The workflow implementation in EPiServer is based on .NET3.5 so you need to use that version of .NET. 

There are a section in the SDK about writing custom workflows. You can also find some articles etc. here on world if you search for workflow. E.g.

Mar 11, 2011 7:07

Is this really correct? Meaning, if a solution is based on .NET 4.0, it is not possible to create customized workflows in EPiServer 6?


Jun 16, 2011 15:17

Sorry, my latest answer was not really clear.

.NET4 contains the "old" .NET3.5 workflow implementation so you can still create your own workflows and run them in EpiServer under .NET4. However to get your custom workflows to run inside EPiServers workflow engine you must build them using the "old" .net workflow api (which is include in .NET4).

Jun 16, 2011 15:50

Okay, that makes more sense. :)

So in other words, the workflows in EPiServer if fully backward compatible with .NET 4 solutions

Jun 16, 2011 16:38
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