Google Analytics Gadget Problem


Hi guys, 


I've just moved our site from cms 5 R2 to cms 6.0.  The new online center is great and the gadgets are very handy.   I am however haing a problem setting up our google analytics account.  I have followed the instructions and placed the two keys for username and password into <appSettings>, restarted the site as suggested here. The gadget still reports a "captcha required" error.  To troubleshoot, i placed my personal analytics account details into web.config and retried (after a site restart) and the error persisted.  My next step was to remove the keys completely from web.config and retry and the gadget still reports "captcha required" even without any credentials.  I have run the unlock captcha tool available from google on both tested accounts but i don't seem to be getting anywhere.  Has anybody got any ideas?



Jun 03, 2011 0:14
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