Multiple login pages



I want to secure a certain section of my site, and I know how I can achive this using groups etc.

But, I want to direct users who try to access that section when not logged in to a different (custom skinned) login page to the one when a user tries to access the CMS (which uses the default built in one).

Any suggestions on how to achieve this please?


Jun 01, 2011 13:39

The easiest is to have one login page with some logic that returns a different view based on the conditions you set (could check the return url querystring parameter for instance).

A control like MultiView lets you easily define multiple views.

Hope this helps.


Jun 01, 2011 13:52

Yeah, I guess that's an option, but I'd rather not implement a new logon page for the entire site.

So, I am guessing that it's not possible to have the 2 login pages then?


Jun 01, 2011 13:55

Not out of the box (this is standard ASP.NET functionality). If you google/bing ASP.NET multiple login pages you'll probably get a lot of different solutions that you can build upon.


Jun 01, 2011 13:57
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