Rendering problems with dynamic contents




I'm running EPiServer CMS 6.1 with .NET 4 and the PageTypeBuilder. I'm trying to get the new DynamicContentPlugIn-attribute to work but with no luck. The standard Page Property dynamic content doesn't work either. In Edit-Mode, it displays fine with the preview function, but in the real view mode all that is shown the the name of the dynamic content contorl along with two dots, i.e. same as is shown in the Edit-Mode editor. Feels like I have been trying everything.


Ideas anyone?


Feb 06, 2012 17:16

You need to use the EPiServer Property control when rendering dynamic content, you can also use the Extensions for EPiServer CMS library which also has an extension methods that renders PropertyXhtmlString.


Feb 06, 2012 17:30
Hmm, where should I use that? I just click the Dynamic content icon in the TinyMCe-editor (e.g. for MainBody), and picks the built-in Page property and just select a property from another page. I understand what you are saying if I developed my own dynamic control (which is ultimately the goal). But as previously noted, it is as if even not the built-in one works :/ (When was the dynamic-content attribute introduced btw, Cms 6 or even later?)
Feb 06, 2012 18:09

This is for the .aspx or .ascx file:

<EPiServer:Property runat="server" PropertyName="MyXhtmlPropertyStringProperty" />


Feb 06, 2012 18:12
Aha, now I got it. Thank you Frederik!
Feb 06, 2012 18:22

I am still having this same issue and am using the EPiServer Property control to render the dynamic content. Is there another possible issue?

Jul 06, 2012 9:23
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