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Sometimes css rendering fails



I have a problem with css rendering.

Sometimes some users computers at the same time is starting to render the site without css. If they reboot their computer clearing the cache etc that doesnt help. But after 10-20min the css starts to work is back.

We get alot of warnings in the log but im not sure its related:

Event ID 1309: An unhandled exception has occurred.

Event ID 1315: Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired.


The setup is two webfronts with a sso login. IIS 7, Episerver CMS 6.

I found this blogpost which seems to be related but this is not when logging in to the edit/admin mode just the normal startpage


Anyone who recognize this? Or can guide me how to troubleshoot it?




Mar 09, 2012 14:44
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