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Website pages timing out after logging in to EPiServer


I moved an EPiServer project to a new drive on the same PC.  The website displays and navigates correctly until I log in to EPiServer.  Once logged in the pages fail to load, even non-secure pages, e.g. the home page.  Log out and it's fine again.  This is before I even go into the CMS.

It seems to be that it fails when the page tries to download the /util/javascript/contextmenu.js (and subsequent files) but that might be irrelevant.

Any ideas on why this is happening?

May 16, 2012 14:03

See that the location of the EPiServer UTIL / UI paths are correct in EPiServer.config, when you say the pages fail to load once logging in, do you see an error message or is it just continuous loading ?

May 17, 2012 10:54

Checked the Util/UI paths and they seem to be correct. Installed a new EPiServer project and database and included the Alloy demo site. All works well until I log in. No error message just takes for ages (I would give 90 secs timeout) while is fails to get the necessary files. The page then loads but none of the EPiServer local menu options are available.


May 18, 2012 17:50
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