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Embedding slideshare


Hi everyone,


I don't know whether this is the right forum for my question, but hopefully you can guide me in the right direction. I am trying to embed a slideshare into a page in EPiServer CMS 6. I plot the html embed code in, but only the links show up, when I publish the page. Any good tips?

Best regards



Mar 21, 2013 11:30

You can use oEmbed for this or similar, or you can configure TinyMCE to allow that embed code (see example here for iframe but same principles apply).

Hope this helps


Mar 21, 2013 13:28

Thank you so much for your answer, Frederik!

I will try to make it work with oEmbed:) When we insert iframes via composer they always mess up our pages for some reason. 

Apr 11, 2013 11:26
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