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Data visualization tool compatible with EPiServer


Hi guys,

In our house, we have a lot of data / statistics, we would like to present to our users in a more visual and interactive manner. I imagine that we could create a statistics template in which we could insert interactive graph composer blocks. I hope it makes sense. What I am looking for is a visualization / graph / chart tool that can do this.

Here are the reguirement specifications for the tool:

- Compatible with EPiServer 6

- Compatible with Composer

- Excel import

- Data visualization - all interactive (users can click on certain data to filter other data away:

   --> Regulars such as pie charts, line charts, column charts etc.

   --> Maps with the possibility for editors to add data pinned to locations

   --> More creative types of charts like heatmaps, tag clouds or other types.

I know I'm asking a lot. If my demands are totally unrealistic please suggest an alternative solution - but does anyone know a tool that has the capabilities to do this?

Thanks in advance


Apr 11, 2013 11:43

Is my question unclear?

Please point out, if I need to elaborate somewhere.


Best regards


Apr 29, 2013 10:30

Probably you should keep in mind that EPiServer CMO and EPiServer Community use ComponentArt.UIFramework components to draw charts and gauges. I can see assembly versions 2008.x.x.x and 2010.x.x.x. So your solution should be compatible with it if you are going to run it with CMO or Community. I guess it is important mostly if you decide to use some ComponentArt components.

CMO also uses standard System.Web.DataVisualization.

Edited, May 16, 2013 12:35
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