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[SUGGESTION 6.1.278] Mark as in use


Pages marked as in used by me should be added to the task list so you can find them again.

Dec 15, 2010 10:58

And in the toolbar, meybe there should be a divider between the Cancel button and Mark as in use button?

Dec 15, 2010 12:48

+1 for the task list....

Is there an option to set "Release In Use" when you publish the page?

This is a tricky one however, as there are a lot of editors who publish a page just to see the result and then go back to editing the page. Maybe a dialog that you can switch on / off?

Dec 15, 2010 22:07

Should there be a timestamp on the icon in the tree structure? Now it shows which user has marked the page as in use. Is there a schedule job that clean up old "marked as in use" pages (as it is with Autosaved Drafts)?

Dec 15, 2010 22:17


Good idea about the task list.

As Stein-Viggo said different editors would want different things regarding autmatically releasing the marked as in use. We decided to do it one way, but I agree that a configuration would be nice.

No, there is no job to clean pages marked as in use. Although it wouldn't be that hard to build one.

Can't promise any changes to release, but the feedback is appreciated.


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer Development Team

Dec 16, 2010 11:25
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