You'll need to manually update it to work with EPiServer CMS 6. The code is available as open source on EPiCode: Let me know and I can perhaps help you with upgrading it.
Hope this helps.
I also found this link, , but haven't tested it yet.
Can anyone help out with a R2 version of this? The linked 6 version won't install due to seeking a 6.0x version.
The version that Martin Lannsjö ( posted on his blog also work for CMS 6R2. The steps you must do is to install CMS 6 (not R2) on your server and then install the module after that. Then it should be available under Modules under Version 6.0.530.0 in the episerver deployment center. Then apply the installation to the 6R2 site by showing ALL sites (not just for the correct version) in step number two. Worked like a charm for me. (besides the problem with translation-languages in post nr 26)
Hi all,
does anyone know if translateX can be modified to work with cms 6 R2? This page says it will only work with CMS 5.1 and CMS 5.2.
Thank You