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I Think I solved it!
Changed the LoginPage dynamic property to the full URL to the login page and
protected string GetLoginUrl()
string LoginPage = CurrentPage["LoginPage"].ToString();
return LoginPage;
it works! However mayby there is some better solution available?
I am new to EpiServer.
I am trying to write a login/logout button in the page header area template.
here is the header template
<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView" runat="server">
<a href="<%= GetLoginUrl() %>"><asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server" Text="Logga in" /></a>
<asp:LoginStatus ID="LoginStatus1" runat="server" LogoutText="Logga ut" />
I have added dynamic properties to my start page in the episerver admin CMS, "StartPage" = the start page and "LoginPage" = util/login.aspx
I get the correct printout (7 and util/login.aspx)when I write
<%= CurrentPage["LoginPage"] %></br>
<%= CurrentPage["StartPage"] %></br>
in the default page.
however I cant get the GetLoginUrl() function in the page header template background class to function as I wamt. I want to get the URL to the login page as a dynamic property.
for example something like this (this wont work)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the link to the login page
/// </summary>
protected string GetLoginUrl()
PageReference loginPageRef = CurrentPage["LoginPage"] as PageReference;
return loginPageRef.ToString();
any ideas? :)