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Create a page programatically for specific language




I am creating a page programatically. However the page is only created for the default language wich is english. I want to create the page for all langueages or for the langueage swedish. How do I do this?


my code:


PageReference parent = new PageReference(53);
            PageData myPage = EPiServer.DataFactory.Instance.GetDefaultPageData(parent, "Profile");

            myPage.PageName = username;
            myPage.URLSegment = EPiServer.Web.UrlSegment.CreateUrlSegment(myPage);
            //myPage.languegaeID = "sv";  something like this??

            DataFactory.Instance.Save(myPage, EPiServer.DataAccess.SaveAction.Publish, EPiServer.Security.AccessLevel.NoAccess);

Jul 12, 2011 14:58

After you created a page in English you can create other languages for the page using

DataFactory.Instance.CreateLanguageBranch(myPage.PageLink, SomeLanguageSelector)


Jul 12, 2011 21:31
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