Hi, I'm having the same problem with our stage enviroment running CMS 6 R2. Haven't found the solution yet...
Edit: Found the solution. The stage enviroment hadn't specified a uiEditorCssPaths="" in episerver.config. I updated with one and restarted the site and it worked.
we are having the same issue in our site. I have set the uieditorcsspath but it only seems to have worked in firefox and not IE. We are also still seeing the epi_pc_content etc styles appearing. Have you seen this?
This is added in the actual css file like so.
EditMenuName: Yes;
color: #005d7e;
padding-left: 12px;
background: transparent url(/media/images/yes.gif) no-repeat left 6px;
.no {
EditMenuName: No;
color: #8b2346;
padding-left: 12px;
background: transparent url(/media/images/no.gif) no-repeat left 6px;
The following code should still work for you asl well.
namespace Site.Library.Editor.EPiServerEditor
[TinyMCEPluginNonVisual(AlwaysEnabled = true,
PlugInName = "EditorSettings",
DisplayName = "Init options",
Description = "Editor Settings init options.",
EditorInitConfigurationOptions = @"{
paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true,
theme_advanced_blockformats : ""h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,div"",
theme_advanced_styles : ""Align-Left=left; Align-Right=right; Button-Left-AlignLeft=btn left alignleft; Button-Left-AlignRight=btn left alignright; Button-Right-Alignleft=btn right alignleft; Button-Right-AlignRight=btn right alignright; Image-Caption=image-caption"",
theme_advanced_resizing : true,
extended_valid_elements: ""script[type|name],iframe[src|frameborder=0|marginheight|marginwidth|alt|title|width|height|align|name|scrolling], object[alt|title|width|height|align|name], ol[id|class|lang|dir|title|style|onclick|ondbclick|start|type],li[id|class|style|type],ul[id|class|style|type|onclick]"" }")]
public class EditorSettings { }
I tried setting the uiEditorCssPaths in the config, and the styles definded in the stylesheet show up alright, but the old ones (epi_pc_content etc.) are still there as well.
Any idea how to get rid of them?
Did you include the editor cs file i provided. the second code file i sent.
It is not clear to me exactly what the code does. Maybe you can explain a bit? It seems like something is missing in the second file.
this might show you more. Same concept.
Setting the uiEditorCssPaths= "" did the job for me, we are using a Tinyplugin setup and setting the editor css in the Tiny fashion using theme_advanced_styles : ""Style=name;style2;name2"".
This got changed during the R2 upgrade.
Anyone who knows where the root for epi_dc_preview is? I tried to figure that part out before I ran into this post.
Thanx for the info!
Since we upgrades to R2 the built in header styles (Header 1, Header 2 and so forth) have disappeard from the styles dropdown in the edit field. Instead there are some new styles named for example epi_dc_preview and epi_pc_content. Our own custom styles are still there though. Does anyone know the reason for this and how to bring it back the way it was?