The page name is required so you need to set it to something. This post explains how to hide it and use logic to programmatically set it:
I create the page programatically and set the pagename programatically so thats not the problem. I just simply want to hide the property from editing for users. The post is exactly what I want but it doesnt work for me..
I´ve added this code into global.asax.cs but it doesnt seem to work :/
public class Global : EPiServer.Global {
#region protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
UrlSegment.CreatedUrlSegment += UrlSegment_CreatedUrlSegment;
EditPanel.LoadedPage += new LoadedPageEventHandler(EditPanel_LoadedPage);
protected void EditPanel_LoadedPage(EditPanel sender, LoadedPageEventArgs e)
e.Page.Property["PageName"].DisplayEditUI = false;
hmmm, it seems Im not able to run the global.asax.cs file itself :P How do I do this? :)
Im trying to set the PageName property not etidable for users in the UI.
I´ve been googleing all morning without success.. How can I do this? :)