EPiServer Full Text Search


I'm trying out the new Full Text Search for EPiServer CMS R2, but I have some issues. I've downloaded the example FTSFacade thru NuGet.

The files are created in IndexingService (e.g Main / _1o.cfs, 27kb) and the Gadget for ReIndex comes up. 

When performing a search, it takes about 2-3 minutes before it gets an empty result. Also, is it searching to all properties set to Searchable?


string query = "lorem";

FTSFacade.CmsSearchHandler search = new FTSFacade.CmsSearchHandler();

var test = search.GetSearchResults(query, false, false,1, 100);

Any ideas why this occurs?



Aug 16, 2011 21:34

Hi Viktor.

Sorry but I don't. The search engine is just a wrapper for Lucene.Net which I unfortunately don't know anything about.

I can tell you that the FTS Facade indexes all searchable properties and some meta-data. If you have no luck with searching for potential Lucene.net problems then raise a support case with EPi.



Aug 18, 2011 22:12

Even I am facing the same issues,Can any one have idea

Jun 26, 2012 13:25
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