Custom CSS in Text Editor


There seems to be a problem with using custom CSS in the TinyMCE editor in EPiServer 6 R2.

For the life of me I cannot get the editor to reference my stylesheet.

I have tried the following three approaches:

1. Create a dynamic property called UIEditorCSSPaths.

2. Set the path in the admin system settings.

3. Create a TinyMCE plugin in my project like so:

AlwaysEnabled = true,
PlugInName = "TinyMceConfig",
DisplayName = "TinyMCE textstyles ",
Description = "Set custom text styles in Tiny MCE editor",
EditorInitConfigurationOptions = @"{
paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste : true,
content_css : ""MYPATH/Editor.css""

public class TinyMceConfig

None of these approaches have worked.

Has anyone managed to get the editor to reference a custom CSS file?



Sep 29, 2011 12:37

You can reference a css file using one of the following approaches:

Sep 29, 2011 12:58

Thanks for your reply, I have actually just cracked it!

The CSS was being set but seemed to be cached quite severely, a few refreshes later and it seems to be working ok.

Thanks again,


Sep 29, 2011 13:03
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