Windows Azure EPiServer CMS



Can EPiServer CMS be hosted in Azure platform? Is there any specific license type for the same?

Kind regards,

Stephen Albert


Jan 30, 2012 10:26

Not at the moment, but according to EPiServer's road map support for this will come. In the mean time EPiServer has a cloud based alternative: EPiServer Cloud.


Jan 30, 2012 12:09

@Fredrik Vig

What are the restictions?

Mar 21, 2013 21:07

The license is restricted to ip/mac address. But if you setup a dedicated virtual server in Azure with IP address that doesn't change you'll be good. What you typically want though is a license model where you pay for usage (eg. where you can take servers up and down based on required resources or similar).


Mar 21, 2013 21:12
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