Can't access/find LiveMonitor after installation



I just installed LiveMonitor on my EPiServer site. I followed all the steps found in the "Installation Instructions - Live Monitor" document. The only thing I did different was running the database script manually (epitraceHits.sql). 

I can run my site as normal and login to EPiServer as always but the link on the menu on the CMS section does not appear. I tried also surfing to ../EPiTrace with no luck either.

I cannot see any errors or anything failing but I cannot seem to go in to Live Monitor.

Any ideas what was wrong or how can I troubleshoot this issue? Many thanks

Oct 05, 2012 10:08

Hi Carlos,

Do you have this binaries in your sites bin folder:


Also check if you have EPiTrace module registered in web.config /configuration/ and virtual path provider with name EPiTrace

Oct 05, 2012 10:49

Hi Sergii

I was missing the virtual path provider. I took a look into the script that changes the code and added the missing line to my web.config. Still I cannot access Live Monitor. It does not appear in the CMS section and when I try to surf to ../EPiTrace. It says the link is wrong.

I wonder if in the virtual path I am pointing to the right physical path.

This is the one I have:

physicalPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\application\UI\EPiServer\EPiTrace"


Thanks for the help

Oct 05, 2012 13:56

physical path should be C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\Install\Modules\EPiTrace\Application\EPiTrace

Oct 05, 2012 14:05

Thanks for the help, I can now access Live Monitor. I'm struggling now with another issue but I will do some research first otherwise I will come back to EPiServer World.


Oct 05, 2012 14:49
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