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UrlRewriteProvider and UrlRewriteModule



Trying to achieve something similar to this

they should internally be something like


There is little recent documentation and examples on how to achieve this. Found a good blog post about it but it has a few years on its neck.

I've successfully(?) setup a custom UrlRewriteModule and UrlRewriteProvider but thing is, when I enter my "virtual" url my breakpoint in my UrlRewriteModule hits, calling base, but never reaching my UrlRewriteProvider which is supposed to intepret /sports/basketball/stockholm/"


Is UrlRewriteProviders commonly used in EPi solutions or are there other more commonly used ways for achiving the same goals?


Mar 15, 2012 15:01


Have you registered your rewriter in episerver.config?

Url rewriter is the way to go.

I guess this is just an example "/ShowSportForCity.aspx?sportID=2&CityID=4"? Id and other EPiServer parameters is missing in the url.

Here is an example to a working rewriter for a blog page

Mar 15, 2012 16:38

Thanks for the quick reply and thanks for the example code.

So TryConvertToInternal was the key, here we go!

ps. yupp, registered in configs and everything but somehow .. I didnt get TryConvertToInternal to trigger. My fault I guess :)
ps2. yeah, just an example. some epi-params were missing.

Mar 20, 2012 10:41
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