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xforms: Missing resultpage after submit


I have moved my customer solution to a new server and det site seems to be running fine.

The site has also been upgraded from CMS 6 to CMS 6 R2.

Xforms that works fine in production will not submit to configured resulting page. 
At first SMTP configuration was not set, but this is fixed now. I've got confirmation
that email has been received, however the user who uses the form does not get the configured page after submit and the tab for formdata is not updated with postdata entry.

Hope there is someone with xforms knowledge who can help me! :)

In advance thanks a lot!!!


Jon Haakon Ariansen

Jun 26, 2012 13:20

Check that you have your Global.asax file and not the one installed from Deployment center. XForm events are set up in Global.asax (in Alloy Tech) and if you have changed namespace in global.asax.cs the events will not fire.

Jun 26, 2012 13:37
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