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Ok, I thought the HTTP Error 500.19 I got when I tried to open the site was caused by the error in the OT, so I focused on the that one.
But, the HTTP Error 500.19 was caused by not adding the feature .Net 3.5 under IIS. So now it works.
I still get the error in the OT, but everything else seems to work fine, so I'll just ignore it for now.
IIS 8 has good backwards compatibility but our installer code in CMS 6 R2 was not very forward compatible :) It works fine in EPiServer 7 even though the public preview has a slight bug when it asks you to install IIS and won't add the .NET 4.5 component. I guess you experienced the same problem, the error message that you get is far from helpful when you don't have the correct ASP.NET integration is place.
I run:
Windows 8
IIS 8 (which should have good backwards compatibility)
SQL Server Express 2008
I'm trying to install a new site through the Deployment Center.
Everything seems to be working fine until the commit phase starts (or at least that's when I get the error message).
Here it is:
Entering commit phase
An unhandled error has occured:
Class not registered
When executing
At C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\Install\System Scripts\Instal
l Site (SqlServer).ps1:163 char:21
+ $wizard.LaunchSite <<<< ()
At C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\Install\System Scripts\Install Site (SqlServer).ps1:163 char:21
+ $wizard.LaunchSite <<<< ()
System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException: Exception calling "LaunchSite" with "0" argument(s): "Class not registered"
So, something wrong obviously happens in the "Install Site (SqlServer).ps1" script.
These are the lines the Error message points to:
161 if ((Get-EPiWebServer).GetVersion() -gt 5)
162 {
163 $wizard.LaunchSite()
164 }
165 else
166 {
167 # Make sure System.Windows.Forms is loaded
168 [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
170 [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($resources.GetString("WinXPStartSiteManually"), $resources.GetString("WarningCaption"),
171 [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Warning)
172 }
But, I don't know how to solve this. :(
Can someone help? :)