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How to stop / cancel Background job?



I have a simple question: how can you stop / cancel a background job? 


(a user accidentally copy/pasted a lot of pages, and now there is '1 background job(s) running' for a long time (and even makes our site a little bit slow). 





Oct 15, 2013 11:22

Hmmm, apparently this question is not so simple ;-)

Oct 16, 2013 15:47

It looks like you're going to have to add a stop job button yourself:


Oct 16, 2013 17:36

Thanks Steve, this looks really useful for stopping scheduled jobs. 

The situation I was talking about was however not a scheduled job, but a background job (the user copy/pasted a lot of pages from one spot to the other, there is no scheduled job running, only a background job). 

Anyway, in the meanwhile the background job is finish, so this is not urgent anymore. Thanks for your help


Oct 17, 2013 11:23
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