Is There any difference between "PageStartPublish" and CurrentPage.StartPublish ?



I'm writing the code as below :

PropertyCriteriaCollection criterions;
PropertyCriteria DateCriteria = new PropertyCriteria();
 criterions = new PropertyCriteriaCollection();
DateCriteria.Condition = EPiServer.Filters.CompareCondition.GreaterThan;
                    DateCriteria.Type = PropertyDataType.Date;
                    DateCriteria.Name = "PageStartPublish";
                    DateCriteria.Value = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, 12, 31).ToString();
                    DateCriteria.Required = true;
pages = DataFactory.Instance.FindPagesWithCriteria(CurrentPage.PageLink, criterions);
foreach (var page in pages)
                            if (page.StartPublish <= DateTime.Now && page.StopPublish > DateTime.Now)
                                    litNewsListing.Text += "<dt><a href=\"" + page.LinkURL + "\"><span>" + page.StartPublish.ToShortDateString() + "</span><b>" + page["PageTitle"].ToString() + "</b></a></dt>";
                                    litNewsListing.Text += "<dd>" + page["PageMetaData"].ToString() + " <a href=\"" + page.LinkURL + "\">" + Translate("/trw/pagesummary/submit") + "</a></dd>";


The Above code should filter all the pages and should return only the pages that are published in this current year.
I can see most of the pages are filtered out except 3 pages.
When looked at the admin section, Those 3 pages are showing the published date as 2012.

Can you please give me a clue why I'm seeing the pages of 2012, when filtered for current year pages(2013).


Dec 16, 2013 7:41
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