I got the same error and it is not releated to a Custom RoleProvider. I am not sure why it stopped working but you can fix the error by editing the file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\Application\UI\CMS\Admin\DeleteMembershipDialog.aspx
Change the IDs of the following labels:
RoleNameLabel -> roleNameLabel
UserNameLabel -> userNameLabel
It seems like something made it more case sensitive in the naming of IDs and their corresponding fields in the code-behind. Probably related to NET 4 and some windows update. Because the problem does not occur on EPiServer sites running in 2.0 AppPool.
I'm currently working on a custom roleprovider for EPiServer 6r2, and need some information how to make
delete:s and so on to work too.
I've impelmented MembershipProvider and everyting seems allright. I'm able to login with that provider
and change User to Role connections, all through EPiServer-admin-gui. BUT when i try to delete a user
or a role for example, a popup opens and explodes before i even comes to my membershipproviders' DeleteUser method.
The small popup im talking about is called
Missing RoleNameLabel.
Error on line 206 below:
Line 204: #line default
Line 205: #line hidden
Line 206: this.RoleNameLabel = @__ctrl;
Line 207: @__ctrl.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(this);
can someone clear this for me