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Login credential not valid from local environment


We have an episerver site. I can log in without problem through the normal login page. 

Now I have set up a local episerver site on my developer mashine. The connection string is pointing against the production database (same as above), but I can't log in. The content of the site is presented correct, so there is nothing wrong with the connection in general.

Is it not possible to log on against the same episerver database from two different sites?

May 22, 2013 15:24

You can use the same database from several machines, that is the scenario used in load balancing.

What membership and role providers are you using? If you use the Sql providers, are they using the correct connectionstring as well?

Does the login fail (password not accepted, error message shown) or does it seem to just clear the login form? That would indicate that your login is accepted but the resource you are accessing isn't available to the user you log in as (for example because the role provider doesn't emit the required roles).

It could also be an issue with cookies. The authentication / forms settings in web.config can specify a domain for the cookie, and if that does not match the site mapping you have on your local machine the cookie won't be sent back to the site.

May 22, 2013 16:55

Thanks for your reply.

We use a MultiplexingMembershipProvider; provider1="SqlServerMembershipProvider" provider2="WindowsMembershipProvider". It's the same connection string in production and the development for the sql provider.

The message presented when login fails is "[No translation for /login/loginfailed, sv]". Obsiously I have some translation issues on the local environment. I thought I deal with this later.

What I could see is that the client makes a request to a js.axd file which returns status Aborted. Can this be the cause of my problems?

There is no domain specified for the auth coockie in web.config.

If you think of anything, please let me know.

May 31, 2013 10:03
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