Hi! Where are they showing up? If they've been added as Access Rights rows in the page tree for instance they will remain there even if they are removed from your Role store (AD in this case). If you look at the group listing in Admin mode they should be gone though.
Hi, I checked in the Admin mode, they are not gone. Could there be any caching ?
What I know the ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider is not caching anything. The only thing involved out of the box is cacheRolesInCookie but that's only in play for the authenticated user. I've once had to implement my own caching in a RoleProvider that inherited most of everything from ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider.
Maybe there's some caching in the other end?
I'd recommend to use the same details and check if you see the groups using a LDAP browsing tool such as Softerra LDAP Browser http://www.ldapadministrator.com/softerra-ldap-browser.htm
Hi, I am using episerver cms 6 R2 with AD role provider. I removed certain groups in AD but they are still existing in my episerver site. Seems, there is some caching issue. I even specified like the following my web.config file but didn't help.
<add name="ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider"
type="EPiServer.Security.ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider, EPiServer"
attributeMapUsername="sAMAccountName" cacheTimeout="0:00:10" />
Any help would be appreciated !!