Strange behaviour on dynamic properties and edit mode using IE 9 and IE 10



I guess I'm experiencing different kinds of errors, but it is all strange behaviours in edit mode. I've been using both IE9 and IE 10 to debug the error. Both Firefox and Chrome works fine.

When I'm in dynamic properties, tinymce doesn't work. In the toolbar, only 'Styles' is visible. All other options is hidden. Tinymce works fine on xhtml properties on pages, but not in dynamic properties.

When I use developer toolbar I get a lot these errors:

HTML1115: X-UA-Compatible META tag ('IE=7') ignored because document mode is already finalized.

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'querySelectorAll' 


SCRIPT5022: DOM Exception: NOT_FOUND_ERR (8) 


It seems like

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

is ignored.

I googled the 'querySelectorAll' error and found a solution that I have to change to html 5 <! Doctype html> declaration, but I can't change this in edit mode.

In addition to these errors, edit mode behaves very strange. Sometimes the "Preview" tab and "Structure" get black backgroundcolor in edit mode. It kind of looks like a license error, but I changed to a demo-license in order to detect changes in behaviour.

Log4net have not given me any clues yet.

The only information I found regarding tinymce was 'Global property Merge was made on property extended valid elements with value by  plugin table'....



Aug 26, 2013 15:38

Seemed to be some kind of cache problems because a couple of days later it started to work.

Sep 05, 2013 18:00
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