You can manuelly edit your Visual Studio project file (.csproj if you're using C#) to move the configuration files under web.config. In Visual Studio right click your project and choose Unload Project, then Edit (your project files is basically just a MSBuild file), search for your configuration files and add <DependentUpon> with the value web.config.
<Content Include="EPiServerFramework.config">
Hope this helps.
Hi, I am using episever cms 6 R2. In my Visual Studio solution, I don't see episever.config, episerverFramework.config under web.config. Now, they are not under web.config. All three files web.config, episerver.config and episerverFramework.config are on the same level.
I have to get episerver.config and episerverFramework.config under web.config.
Any help is appreciated.