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EPiServer CMS 6 - Hyperlink Dialog box


Hello Everyone,

I have one of the websites in EPiServer CMS 6.

Need help for the below mentioned scenario:

There's a dialog box which appear when we create hyperlinks from editors.

Requirement is the same pop up I want to open outside editor, i.e. when I create a proprerty of link type I can open that pop up from here instead of default one which gets open.

Thanks in advance for help.

Thanks & Regards,

Vrinda Bhayani.

Dec 02, 2014 7:49


I wrote a piece on opening these dialogs in custom properties some time back, have a look and let me know if you need further help; I guess it's the How to open an EPiServer link URL selector pop-up window one you want.


Dec 02, 2014 15:40

Did you get this to work? :)

// Mathias

Dec 14, 2014 17:59

We proposed the same requirement in a different way, so then need changed.

Dec 15, 2014 6:54

I see, cleverly done :)

Dec 15, 2014 7:19

Thanks :)

Dec 15, 2014 9:26
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