Change CMS Reports


Please can you tell me if it is possible to add a Translation Status column in the Published Pages Report?

Here is how I see it:

Every line of the report would have to contain a mini drop-down list with  5 or 6 fields (i.e. ‘no translation required’ | ‘Welsh Team’ | ‘Translation agency’ | ‘Create Welsh Page’ | ‘Content Translated’ | ’Published’)


I would personally allocate the content. If I login as one User I would only see the content allocated to ‘Translation agency’. They can then proceed to the translation and change the field to ‘Content Translated’.


If I login as a different user I can then change the field to | ‘Translation agency’| ‘Content Translated’| ’Published’. Basically different people see different things.


If it isn’t possible could you please tell me if there is a possibility to have an Export button next to the Show Report one. So at least I could easily export this report to an excel sheet.

Feb 26, 2014 17:34


I took a quick look at the code, and you could probably look into creating a PageAdapter/ControlAdapter; it's a quite straight forward way of tweaking EPiServer's code. The page that is used for that report is \EPiServer\CMS\6.1.379.0\Application\UI\CMS\Report\Reports\PublishedPages.aspx so adapting EPiServer.UI.Report.Reports.PublishedPages could work. The SortedGridView control used for the result seems to be called ReportView, so you would need to locate it from your code. I could see if I can find you some examples if you'd like.



Feb 26, 2014 20:23

Here is an example at GitHub filtering the page tree in edit mode, has a few postbacks and so on; consists of two adapters.

Feb 26, 2014 20:26
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