Page Tree Help



I am trying to get the following static menu to work using the PageTree command, but really struggling.

I'm by no means technical, so trying to do it by trial and error, so hoping someone can help we with this urgently :(

The menu picks up the pages from the site itself, so the dynamic property is working (although it doesnt seem to want to do the dropdowns on the homepage)

Bought the menu as a plugin, so cant really change the classes etc.



Oct 15, 2015 12:45

Can you elaborate a bit more? What are you trying to achieve, how should it look like and what's not working? Dynamic property? Dropdowns? Which plugin did you buy, and why?

Edited, Oct 15, 2015 22:31

Hello Jonas,

Is a simple CSS3 menu, as within our intranet environment, jquery is disabled.

There is a dynamic property set from the homepage of the site, called MainMenu.

I have got to the following on the homepage, using Frederik Vig's article on PageTree here 

<EPiServer:PageTree ID="ptMenu" runat="server" PageLinkProperty="MainMenu">

<div id="menu"><!-- HeaderTemplate -->

<ul onClick="" class="zetta-menu zm-effect-fade"><!--IndentTemplate-->

<li><i class="zm-caret fa fa-angle-down"></i><!--ItemHeaderTemplate>-->

<EPiServer:Property ID="propPageLinkItem" runat="server" PropertyName="PageLink" /> <!--ItemTemplate -->

<EPiServer:Property ID="Property5" PropertyName="PageLink" runat="server" /> <!--ExpandedItemTemplate -->

 <EPiServer:Property ID="Property2" PropertyName="PageLink" runat="server" /> <!-- ExpandedTopTemplate -->

<EPiServer:Property ID="Property" PropertyName="PageName" runat="server"  /> <!-- SelectedItemTemplate -->

<EPiServer:Property ID="Property3" PropertyName="PageLink" runat="server" /> <!-- SelectedExpandedItemTemplate -->

<EPiServer:Property ID="Property4" PropertyName="PageLink" runat="server"  /> <!-- SelectedExpandedTopTemplate -->

</li> <!-- ItemFooterTemplate -->

</ul> <!-- UnindentTemplate -->

</div> <!-- FooterTemplate -->
<br class="clear" />

However, the drop down doesn't work on the homepage, and also on the second level page, the drop down works, but takes on the formatting of 

<ul onClick="" class="zetta-menu zm-effect-fade"> where I need the drop down to have the style of <ul class="w-300">
Oct 16, 2015 7:56
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