EPiServer 5 on Vista

Any luck on getting EPiServer 5 running on Vista (IIS7 running with IIS6 compatibility mode)? I have installed 5.1.422.4, but after install I only get the login page and is unable to log in. Have tried to login with windows admin accounts, but with no luck. Tried both forms login and windows login and setting security on installation folder to "everyone". Also turned off UAC, just in case.
Oct 02, 2007 10:14
Hi, i am developing episerver cms 5 sites in vista but we have problem with the manager installation in vista due to metabase issues but i'm not the best to answer this question. Anyway i've chosen to develop cms5 site on the builtin server in vs2005 instead without any problems at all. If you want the sample templates just import them into your vs-project or as i did. Set up an episerver cms5 site on a xp machine and copy the project into the vista machine and manually change some settings in web.config. Best Regards /Eric
Oct 02, 2007 11:58
If you have not already done so you need to open the site project file in Visual Studio and set up a user to log in with via the ASP .NET Configuration as described in the EPiServer CMS SDK Documentation.
Oct 02, 2007 13:56
Thanks guys. Now it's working. Had to add a .NET user to the site in IIS 7 (inetmgr) and add it to the WebAdmins role (which I also added through IIS 7 manager). Also set the SqlServerRoleProvider as the default provider as described in EPiServer CMS SDK. Sometimes it's useful to read the documentation after all ;)
Oct 02, 2007 21:54
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