Change the virtual path ?

How can I change the virtual path to point to another physical path than the path originally set when innstalled through Episerver manager? eg.: path c:\ to c:\? Regards, Geir
Nov 07, 2007 16:32
Change which path? Not sure if I got your question right, but if you want to move the site to a different folder eg. you move your folder from c: to d:, you: - open the properties page for the web site in IIS - On the Home Directory tab, change det local path to point to your new location. If you wish to change the location of the virtual path folders, you need to change the paths in web.config. -- Lars Øyvind
Nov 07, 2007 19:14
Sorry for posting an ambiguous question :-). I’ve tried to find out where I could change the VPP (Virtual path provider) configuration. Saw it could be done in the web.config file as you pointed out. Thank you!
Nov 08, 2007 8:43
Dont forget to change the path in the configuration file for EPiServer Indexing Service located at [program files dir]\EPiServer.IndexingService5\EPiServer.IndexingService.exe.config.
Sep 02, 2008 11:43
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