Default property email on the EPiServerProfile provider
What is the reason to add a property named Email on the EPiServerProfile provider when there is an email property on the membership object?
My other question is what your thoughts is about an administration tool to edit member information, you have a bunch default properties but no tool to add or edit the information.
What is the reason to add a property named Email on the EPiServerProfile provider when there is an email property on the membership object?
--> I'm pretty sure that we added this to the profile to be able to store an email address for the user even in the case that we have a membershipprovider that does not support updates.
My other question is what your thoughts is about an administration tool to edit member information, you have a bunch default properties but no tool to add or edit the information.
--> I agree. We have heard this suggestion before and forwarded this request to the product manager.